An RPG gamer who dabbles in game development and animation using RPG Maker. Working off and on to improve my flagship series Brotherhood. Also into voice acting!

Jake @TeamTsuki

Line cooks anonymous

Hell, probably

Joined on 10/11/18

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Well, I posted a new version of Phase ONE, but unfortunately the original saves aren't compatible. I'm so sorry to everyone who lost progress for this game because of that. But, I'm here to post a straightforward walkthrough for the game, while leaving out as many spoilers as I can. Let's start!

  • You start off in Akira's apartment, look around if you want or simply walk out and make your way south to Hotari. When you get to Hotari, talk to the shady man in the bottom left and it'll trigger a conversation as well as spawn some chests. The chest in the kids park will give you a mythril ore, the item the man wants. He'll let you keep it, and explain item synthesis. There aren't a lot of items to synthesis, but you can use them for several other things as well.
  • Head through the tower and grind some enemies to gain levels. When you reach the top, talk to Kasai to trigger a battle. It doesn't matter if you win or not, but you'll get decent exp if you do. After you recruit Kasai, head out of the tower, and south out of the town. Continue south into Kazekiri, and head up north to Suna's home. talking to him will explain more about Akira's self guided mission, and you'll be prompted to go to the room on the left to use a computer. This will trigger another conversation, and then you;ll get interrupted. Head outside to see what the noise was about, and make your way to the gate to fight with The Reaper.
  • You'll wake up as Akira in an alleyway in a strange world. Go right and then up to the enclosed house to find Suna. Continue right and then up, before heading all the way left to find Kasai. They'll both be marked by rocks on the ground. Head right and then go up where there once were flames blocking your path. Continue right to find a swing in another alleyway, and trigger a fight with Mayuna.
  • Continue up and navigate through what's left of the castle town, try grinding for higher exp. The maze that follows will be a bit tricky, but I'm not going to spoil it. You can only open one chest, so be careful. Using the portal will send Akira into a different maze, and you'll eventually find and battle Jade. Jade will then send you to the Castle Courtyard, where you will fight Shini. You can win this battle, but not at a low level. Gather your party and head home.
  • After you're back in the land of living, head to the mansion in the woods in the center of the world. You'll meet Akira's twin Nguyen, and Akira and Suna will set out to hire Zachary, a mercenary from Nguyen's favorite bar. When things don't go well, Kasai and Mayuna set out. After fighting Zack, the three will return to the mansion and learn about the Silver Gloves that will help them out. The Silver Gloves are in the Ice Cave, but you can't get to that yet. So instead, explore some.
  • Exploring the new caves open on the map will allow you to find The Ancient Cave, a cave you'll recognize by 4 statues in the first room. Clearing this cave will gain you a party member, Amai, and you'll also find the Power Gloves. These aren't what you needed, but now you can fully access the Forest and find the Ice Cave. After slaying Alexandria for the second time, you'll get the Silver Gloves. Head back to the mansion to talk to Nguyen, and then Kasai and Mayuna will follow him to the training grounds.
  • After exploring a Familiar City, Kasai faces off with the Spirit in his blade, a man known as Bahamut. This is the final boss, so try to get every chest you can as you can't return. After defeating Bahamut, the group returns to the mansion and the final scenes play out.


A couple of new things get uncovered after you clear the game. I'll try not to get into spoilers, but here's an idea of it.

  • Super Bosses: Two new Bosses have appeared in explored places, hailing from Final Fantasy. You'll also be able to enter Old Jericho, a town in the south west of the map. You'll find another secret Boss here, along with important treasures to explore the rest of the map. On an island called Amati you will find a boss called Hebi, and if you're lucky you will trigger Shini ALPHA.
  • Masters Maze: An insanely complicated maze filled with treasures and even a few guest party members. The enemies here are very strong.
  • Death City: Going through the new Portal in Suna's house will take you back to Death City, with new treasures. You cannot revisit the Courtyard.
  • DATA Battles: Going back to Suna's computer will allow you to fight stronger versions of the important bosses from the game, and even give you a Boss Rush option to face them all at once. Prepare yourself and learn their attacks before attempting this, there is an order to beat them.
  • SECRET ENDING: After finding the Proof of Scrutiny deep in Rivera, you can head back to Akira's apartment and call "???" To watch a short concept trailer for Phase TWO.

There are a few more things to discover, but it'll be more fun to find as a surprise. Thank you for reading, and thank you more for playing! I hope you have fun with this latest build, we had more planned but it's easier to build off of it rather than try to completely overhaul this game again.

~ TeamTsukikage Near and Zero.

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